February 12, 2025

It may happen that after burning the new Ubuntu  10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) to USB drive, it fails to boot.

To fix this, locate the file named syslinux.cfg in the syslinux folder of the USB drive and make the following changes :

Remove the entry named “ui” and save the file so that it looks like this :

Save the changes and reboot with USB drive, the boot error should no longer be there.

By the way, this annoyance is now a confirmed bug caused by burning the new Ubuntu release from previous Ubuntu versions using the usb creator.

[For details on how to go about making a bootable USB drive for Ubuntu from Linux Mint or Ubuntu, check this previous article.]


By admin

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5 thoughts on “How To Fix USB Boot Error For Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)”
  1. hello,

    I was really happy to find this solution…

    I tried every thing but it still gives me the same “boot error” anyone why is that..

      1. Hi,

        Thanks for ur reply I formated everything from the usb and created the usb again and its working now.
        It was my anitivirus while creating a usb the first time it blocked syslinux file.

        Thanks again!

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