February 21, 2025

Most of us spend majority of our time online. So here are five really cool web applications that you should know (they will save a lot of time  too) :

1. What Should I Read Next : You may have finished a book that you have liked and may wonder where to get similar books or books by same author. What Should I Read Next does just that. It is a collection of results of book titles which are of similar topics provided by like minded readers. Simply enter a book title or an author name, that brings up list of book titles that are similar.

2. Instacalc : This is a cool web site which has free online calculator that can do all sorts of calculations from basic to scientific. There is also a feature called “shared calcs” which basically displays calculations that were done by others and shared so that if you want to do the same thing, just use these results.

3. Spypig : This actually can be a spammer’s delight :). Enter your email address and the subject title, select number of notifications that you want to receive and then select any of the listed pigs’s images that you simply copy and paste in your email body before hitting send. This basically notifies once your email has been opened and read, pretty sneaky.

4. Keybr : Want to test how fast can you type in a limited time ? This site does exactly that, you can take typing tests as well as learn typing tutorials. Very cool and free too.

5. Meebo : This is a pretty handy website when you don’t have any IM clients installed. Simply enter your Google, Yahoo or other instant messenger credentials and start chatting. No downloading of any messenger needed at all and works great on shared computers.

Hope you find the above useful, if you know other cool apps , do let us know.


By admin

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