February 12, 2025

If you are getting an error that ‘d3dx9_43.dll is missing’ while starting an application in Windows 7 :

directx error 001

Follow the following steps to fix it:

1. Go to Microsoft’s website to get ‘DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer‘.

Click ‘Download’ to download the ‘dxwebsetup.exe’ file.

2. Execute the downloaded ‘dxwebsetup.exe’ file and it will download and install the optional DirectX components.

Click ‘Finish’ when done. Try running your application now, the ‘d3dx9_43.dll is missing’ error will not appear again.

By admin

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68 thoughts on “How To Fix ‘d3dx9_43.dll missing’ Error In Windows 7”
  1. guyzzz yr my demon tools are not installing my display shows “this format is not supported” than what should i do in this case…?? can any1 knw???

  2. Saw the same tutorial on another site so tried it but had no luck, but thanks to this one giving a direct link at the top to the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer, I managed to do it again, only this time properly, I am now very happy to say I can play Morrowind GOTY even I it refuses to acknowledge my joy-pad’s thumbstick’s existence :L Again, many thanks to the website and finder of the solution 🙂 happy Garion

  3. it is not showing the error again but the screen goes black for a second and the game is not going to start. please help and the game is resident evil operation raccoon city.

  4. while opening in fifa13 im geting ,an error in directx it is not installing and showing error as’cabinet file eror and not trusted’

  5. Admin- my direct x setup runs and says time left is 1hr and so and i waited later it started installing components and then crash and promp a message some cabinet stuff missing ….to play COD 🙁

  6. I cannot install the directx components. A pop up box said that ” A cabinet file neccessary for installation cannot be trusted. Please verify the crypthographic services are enable and the cabinet file certificate is valid”…..What is that mean?

    1. Have the Same problem as you..

      How can this be fixed, Admin?
      Please Help!


    1. hai admine i have i problem in the games the witcher 2 assasins of kings wen i clik in the games he tell me isdone.dll not found help

  7. After the installation it said that i may not have been installed correctly and that I could try to reinstall, i did, and this time it said installation failed.

  8. thanks! its very useful. finally i could play Limbo on W7


  9. it didn’t work, i got an error saying that my cabinet file isn’t trusted or something like that

  10. I downloaded the file and when I run it, it gets stuck at the ‘Initializing’ stage.. Then after a while, it comes up with a message saying something about not being able to download the file, try again later.. Please help

  11. I installed it, but it did not work… =C and i tried to install the game LIMBO after the Direct X thing… still does not work. i see only a blackscreen when i open the game! please help me with this problem

    1. Actually Limbo is the same reason why i’m here trying to solve this problem. Is it now working??

  12. Hey um, I click run and nothing happens, it just closes itself out and no install thing pops up, what should i do?

  13. Tank you very much i have had the issue with dll’s for a long time and im glad i found this site. i will continue to seek help here if i have a problem…

    thank you.. 🙂

  14. hey admin..u r a pro dude…….the guz like u are very helpful
    this was the main problem i had and it is all right now


  15. I’d like to say: Thanks A LOT! Your advice was exactly what I needed. I wish there were more people as knowledgable as you are, Admin.

    All the best!


  16. This still didn’t work, it said that it couldn’t be installed due to directx or something

  17. Thank you very much for providing clear and easy-to-follow instructions for this problem!


    Miles 🙂

  18. Hi dear admin
    I,ve install direct x 10 but stuill i have an error with this subject: ” d3dx9_43.dll was not found reinstall to fix problem”
    I,v install a game. tanks a lot for your answering.

  19. why I can not download ‘DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer‘ from Microsoft’s website?

    1. it removed the thing is missing but now the game just like immediantly screws up and makes your mouse dissapear and then u needa go to task manager to get it working

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