Windows 7 comes with in-built sticky notes which become very handy as basic reminder tools.
To access them quickly :
1. Go to Start > Run > sticky
2. This opens a tiny yellow note as shown.
The interface is very minimal, so here are some useful shortcuts to easily use these notes :
The + opens a new note or use Ctrl + N. To delete a note, use the x button or Ctrl + D.
Right clicking on the notes brings up list of colors to choose from for sticky notes.
For editing fonts :
Ctrl + I : Italic , Ctrl +B : Bold, Ctrl + U : Underline, Ctrl + T : Strikethrough
Ctrl + Shift + > : Increase font size, Ctrl + Shift + < : Decrease font size
For making different kinds of ordered lists:
Use Ctrl + Shift + L keys combination as below :
Once : Bullet list
Twice : Numbered list
Thrice : Small caps lettered list
Four times : Large caps lettered list
Five times : Small caps Roman numerals list
Six times : Large caps Roman numerals list
Basically, the above shortcuts are similar to text editing in Windows Word so they should be somewhat familiar.
The in-built sticky notes do serve the basic purpose of jotting down stuff very well but for detailed use, a specialized application like Microsoft One Note is very cool.
Happy sticky notes posting 🙂
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