February 18, 2025

Here’s how to install and use Canto, a cool RSS feed reader for terminal in Linux Mint / Ubuntu:

1. Issue the following command at the terminal –

sudo apt-get install canto

2. After the installation is complete, issue the following command at the terminal –

sudo gedit ~/.canto/conf.py

3. Now add the RSS feed URLs of the sites you wist to add to your list. The format would be –

add(“<RSS feed URL of the site>”)

For example, to add RSS feed URL of www.ihaveapc.com, the format would be –


You can add one website feed per line. In above screenshot, we have added feeds from two websites. Add as many website feeds you want and click ‘Save’ when done.

4. Now issue the following command at the terminal to start the application –


5. That’s it! You have successfully configured canto to to read RSS feeds of your favorite websites from Linux terminal.

6. Use ‘UP/DOWN’ keys to navigate, ‘LEFT/RIGHT’ keys to mark read(yellow color) or unread (blue color).

7. Use ‘SPACE’ key to read a feed. Hit ‘SPACE’ key again to close the reader window.

You can press ‘Q’ key to exit Canto application.

By admin

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One thought on “Canto: A Cool RSS Feed Reader For Terminal In Linux Mint / Ubuntu”
  1. When I click Space only the first line comes up. How to browse through the rest of the article?

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