Here’s how to enhance photos in Linux Mint / Ubuntu:
1. Issue the following command at the terminal –
sudo apt-get install aaphoto
2. After the installation is complete, issue the following command at the terminal to enhance a photo –
aaphoto -a ‘<path to the photo>’
In our case, we wanted to enhance a photo ‘Battlefield 3 HD Wallpapers 005.jpg’. Hence, we issued the following command –
aaphoto -a ‘/home/ihaveapc/Desktop/Battlefield 3 HD Wallpapers 005.jpg’
3. After the photo has been enhanced, a new image with ‘_new’ suffix is created in the same directory as the original image. Here’s ‘Battlefield 3 HD Wallpapers 005.jpg’ and the enhanced ‘Battlefield 3 HD Wallpapers 005_new.jpg’ compared side by side –
4. If you need to enhance many photos, put them all in one folder and issue the following command at the terminal –
aaphoto -a ‘<path to folder>’
In our case, we wanted to enhance the photos that we saved in ‘Rage’ folder on the desktop, hence we issued the following command at the terminal –
aaphoto -a ‘/home/ihaveapc/Desktop/Rage’