February 12, 2025
Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 - Transformed Desktop

Here’s how to install and use Ubuntu Skin Pack for Windows XP SP3:

1. Go to http://hameddanger.deviantart.com/gallery/31694287#/d46yqeo and click ‘Download File’ and save the ‘ubuntu_skin_pack_4_0_for_xp_by_hameddanger-d46yqeo.zip’ file on your PC.

ubuntu_skin_pack_4_0_for_xp_by_hameddanger-d46yqeo.zip file download link

2. Extract the contents of the downloaded *.zip file and run the ‘Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0.exe’ file.

ubuntu_skin_pack_4_0_for_xp_by_hameddanger-d46yqeo.zip contents

3. Click ‘Next’.

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 setup

4. Check ‘I accept the terms of the License Agreement’ and click ‘Next’.

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 setup

5. Select ‘Quick Installation’ and click ‘Next’.

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 setup

6. Click ‘Install’ to start installation.

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 setup

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 setup

7. Click ‘Next’ after the installation is complete.

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 setup

8. Select ‘Reboot now’ and click ‘Finish’.

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 setup

9. After the reboot is complete, click on your desktop and select ‘Arrange Icons By>’ and ensure that ‘Show Desktop Icons’ is unchecked.

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 - hiding desktop icons

10. Now, right click the taskbar and unckeck ‘Lock the Taskbar’ option, then drag the taskbar to the top of the screen and recheck ‘Lock the Taskbar’ option.

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 - unlocking the windows taskbar

11. Apply the Ubuntu wallpaper to desktop as shown below –

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 - Changing the wallpaper

12. That’s it! Enjoy the Ubuntu skin pack for Windows XP SP3. Here are a few screenshots of the aftermath –

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 - Transformed Desktop

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 - Transformed Desktop

Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 for Windows XP SP3 - Transformed Desktop

Note that the skin pack is for Windows XP SP3 only. Also, make sure you disable any anti-virus software before running the Ubuntu Skin Pack 4.0 setup.


By admin

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