December 9, 2024

How To Install And Use GoldenDict Dictionary Software In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

Using GoldenDict in Linux Mint / Ubuntu

Here’s how to install and use GoldenDict dictonary software in Linux Mint / Ubuntu:

1. Issue the following command at the terminal –

sudo apt-get install goldendict

GoldenDict Dictionary Software Installation In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

GoldenDict Dictionary Software Installation In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

2. After the installation is complete, click on ‘Menu>Education>GoldenDict’ to launch the application. (Ubuntu users need to search for ‘GoldenDict’ in Unity Dash).

Starting GoldenDict Dictionary Software In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

GoldenDict Dictionary Software In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

3. Now click on ‘Edit>Dictonaries’.

Configuring GoldenDict Dictionary Software In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

4. Now, click on ‘Wikipedia’ and select your ‘Wikipedia’ sources.

GoldenDict Dictionary Software In Linux Mint / Ubuntu - Selecting Wikipedia Sources

5. Now, click on ‘Websites’ and select your online dictionary sources. (It is recommended that you download offline dictionaries from here and add, enable them via ‘Files’ tab).

Configuring GoldenDict in Linux Mint / Ubuntu

Click ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’ when done.

6. Now, use the left side pane to search for meaning of the words and view the results from various sources by selecting sources from the right side pane after the search is complete.

Using GoldenDict in Linux Mint / Ubuntu


By admin

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