February 18, 2025

The signature feature in Outlook 2010 can be used to create custom signatures like those having social media icons or brand logos.

Here is how to make a signature which consists of social media icons and by clicking on them opens relevant social media links:

1. Open Outlook 2010 and create a new email message. From there, click on Signature > Signatures.

Signature in Outlook 2010

2. This will be used for making a new signature with the social media icons. Click New and name the signature something relevant so that it is easy to identify.

Making a new signature in Outlook 2010

3. A lot of social media icons are available which can be downloaded from the Internet, we will be using only two icons in this example for making a signature that displays our Twitter and Facebook pages.

4. In the text box for Edit signature, type in as desired and then upload the icons by clicking on the picture button as shown.

New signature with images

5. Once the icons are uploaded in the signature, the last step is to associate a hyperlink with them. In this case it would be our Twitter and Facebook pages. Select each icon by left clicking and then click the hyperlink button. Type in the associated links for each of the icons.

New signatures with images and hyperlinks

 6. Click Ok to save the changes. The new custom email signature is ready to use whenever needed and can be modified not only to use just social media icons but any image like a custom brand or logo with the official website address.

Email with social media icons signature

Happy emailing!

By admin

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