March 13, 2025
Filling out form and using Bloody Vikings for disposable email address

One of the earlier posts described how disposable/temporary email addresses can be generated that can prevent spam.

Bloody Vikings! is a cool Firefox add-on that will quickly create these disposable email addresses whenever filling out any form that asks for email during registration. It does this by using the 10-Minute Mail service described in earlier post.

To download and use it :

1.Click on “Add to Firefox”  for Bloody Vikings to download and start the installation process. Get it from here.

Installing Bloody Vikings Firefox add-on

2. Once installed, it can be brought up by simply right clicking the email address field when registering or filling a form where you prefer to use a disposable email address.

Filling out form and using Bloody Vikings for disposable email address

3. This will open the 10 Minute Mail window and display the disposable email address generated, simply copy it back to the email field for the form to be filled.

Generated disposable email address using Bloody Viking

4. To see other options for Bloody Vikings, select Tools > Add-ons and click on Options.

Different options for Bloody Vikings

Pretty cool add-on overall!

By admin

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