December 13, 2024
How To Install TeamViewer 7 In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

Here’s how to install TeamViewer 7 in Linux Mint / Ubuntu:

1. Go to and click on ‘Linux’ and select the package appropriate to your distribution.

How To Install TeamViewer 7 In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

2. Select ‘Open with GDebi Package Installer (default)’ and click ‘OK’.

How To Install TeamViewer 7 In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

3. Wait while the package file is downloaded. Click on ‘Install Package’ when prompted.

How To Install TeamViewer 7 In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

How To Install TeamViewer 7 In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

4. Click ‘Close’ after the package has been installed.

How To Install TeamViewer 7 In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

How To Install TeamViewer 7 In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

5. Click ‘Applications>Internet>TeamViewer 7’ to launch the application.

How To Install TeamViewer 7 In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

6. Accept the license agreement displayed and enjoy the benefits of TeamViewer 7 in Linux Mint / Ubuntu.

How To Install TeamViewer 7 In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

How To Install TeamViewer 7 In Linux Mint / Ubuntu

By admin

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4 thoughts on “How To Install TeamViewer 7 In Linux Mint / Ubuntu”
  1. Share with your Windows Friends. I made a MINT 14 USB bootable flash which I am typeing right now on from WIN7 laptop. Nice to share MINT / Ubuntu with your friends. Great luck on your on your teamviewer installation.

  2. I followed your directions for Mint 14 32 bit KDE. Works Just as you pictorialized. Great work. Thanks from Fred in Oregon. DownloadedTeamViewer Verion 8.0. Also tried downloading version 7.0 to Puppy Linux Lucid Puppy 5.2.8 a couple months back. Used the Generic targ.gz Linux version. That one installed well too on PuppyLinux. 150MByte download small quick can boot from a CD or USB Flash. check it out! TeamViewer makes it easy to install.

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