February 27, 2025
Archiving Facebook data popup

It is a good idea to backup Facebook data that can be stored offline. This data contains all the images and videos shared/uploaded, your wall posts, messages and chat conversations as well as contact names.

To backup Facebook data of your account :

1. Login to Facebook and select “Account Settings”.

Facebook account settings

2. Scroll down to bottom and click the link ” Download a copy”.

Facebook account general settings

3. This will generate a popup asking to start archiving data. Click on “Start my archive” to begin the process.

Archiving Facebook data

4. Again, click “Start my archive’.

Archiving Facebook data popup


Facebook data archiving process

5. When the archiving is over, an email notification will be sent to your primary email address with the download link. Use that link to download your Facebook data. (This email won’t be generated instantly and may take a few hours.)

Download link for archived Facebook data

6. Store the backup somewhere safe offline.

Happy Facebooking.

By admin

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