December 30, 2024

ReminderFox is an easy to use and simple add-on for Mozilla Firefox for scheduling tasks and reminders.

Download and install it from here.

ReminderFox add-on

After installing, it will show up in the bottom right corner of Firefox.

ReminderFox interface

To schedule events and reminders, click on it and select “Add event”.  Select appropriate date and time as well as frequency of event and whether alarm is needed or not and hit “Save”. Alternatively, right click on ReminderFox and then add reminders as well as customize further options.

ReminderFox functions

Creating event schedule in ReminderFox

Saving ReminderFox events

The saved event will now display when the mouse is hovered over Reminder Fox displaying the event schedule.

Upcoming reminders displayed in ReminderFox

There are other useful features like importing and exporting calendar files (files with .ics format) and sharing them over a network. Most of this functionality is limited but is incorporated should it be required. The settings for these can be accessed through right clicking on ReminderFox > Options.

Import and export reminders in ReminderFox

Sharing reminders across the network in ReminderFox

Overall, a very useful and light add-on that can help in organizing and keeping track of reminders for various tasks directly through Firefox.

Happy scheduling.

By admin

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