February 27, 2025
Album download in progress through Facepaste

Update as of 2023: This add-on is now depreciated

Facepaste is a Firefox add-on that makes it simple to downloads entire albums from Facebook.

The advantage of using this add-on is that no third party can access your Facebook account on your behalf unlike many stand alone Facebook album downloaders.

Install Facepaste from here .

Facepaste add-on for Firefox

After installing, to download any Facebook album, just select a picture from it and right click. Then select Download this Facebook album and choose an appropriate path for storing the album images.

Selecting Facebook album to download using Facepaste

The popup window for this will display the number of images present in the specific album and their download progress.

Album download in progress through Facepaste

The popup will finally change to complete once the entire album is downloaded.

Downloaded Facebook album using Facepaste

Happy downloading.

By admin

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