February 27, 2025
Movie being streamed and played from shared network folder to Android device

Here is a simple way to access shared folders and watch movies on Android devices when these folders are available on LAN/network share :

1. Download the very useful ES File Explorer File Manager app from Google Play. It is free and awesome.

ES File Explorer

2. Next, make sure that the folders that need to be accessed are shared and available on LAN.

3. From Android device, launch ES File Explorer, go to Network > LAN and tap on “Search” to get a list of available systems that are visible on LAN.

ES File Explorer LAN access

4. Access the shared folder using the proper credentials by clicking on the IP address of the system where the folder is shared from.

Shared folder access from Android

5. To stream and watch movies that are present in the shared folder, the way is exactly the same. Access the folder which contains the movies and select the movie that needs to be viewed, then the related movie player if installed will pop-up and use it to watch the movie.

Watch streaming movies on Android

Movie being streamed and played from shared network folder to Android device

Enjoy. 🙂

By admin

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