February 8, 2025

The popular peer-peer file sharing program Tixati is available for Linux as well as Windows. An earlier post described how to use Tixati in Windows.

To install it in Ubuntu / Linux Mint :

Go to the Tixati download page for Linux and choose the appropriate .deb package (whether 32-bit or 62-bit) and start the download.

Tixati download page for Ubuntu / Linux

Once downloaded, open Terminal and browse to the directory where this package is available and give this command with below syntax :

sudo dpkg-i nameoftixatidebpackage

In this case, it was a 64 bit package:  tixati_1.96-1_amd64.deb, so the command will be :

sudo dpkg-i  tixati_1.96-1_amd64.deb

installing downloaded Tixati package using Ubuntu Terminal

Let the installation complete. Tixati will now show up in the “Internet” section or simply search for it using the Ubuntu unity interface search.

Tixati is installed in Ubuntu

Default setup screen on launching Tixati in Ubuntu

Happy downloading.


By admin

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