February 12, 2025
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Gliffy is an online flowchart and diagram creator that makes creating and editing diagrams simple.

Gliffy user interface

To use, first make a free account here.(Without an account too, diagrams can be created but they can’t be saved). The free account initially has a 15 day trial period and after it expires will limit creating up to 5 diagrams while paid accounts can create a lot more. Check the plan comparison here.

After logging in, choose various shapes and sizes from each of the different categories from left column and drag-drop them onto the right.

creating diagrams and flowcharts using Gliffy

Also, there are lots of templates available for various kinds of diagrams like network diagrams, org charts, floorplan, Venn diagrams and so on. To access them, select File > New. This will show these categories and simply choose a desired template to start working on it.

Various diagram templates to choose from in Gliffy

The created diagrams can be exported and saved to PNG, JPG and SVG formats, also existing diagrams can be imported which is a handy feature to have. This can be done by accessing the File menu.

saving Gliffy diagrams

This is a useful app for those who want to access and edit a lot of diagrams on the move from anywhere or don’t want to purchase an expensive software solution.

Happy drawing.

By admin

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