February 27, 2025
vokoscreen screen capture in progress

Vokoscreen is a simplistic screencast tool in Ubuntu / Linux Mint for making videos, capturing sounds and for recording desktop.

To install it, open Terminal and type :

sudo apt-get install vokoscreen

installing vokoscreen

Once installed, it can be accessed from “Sound and video” menu or by searching from Unity dashboard.

vokoscreen after installation

The main interface has 5 sections : region selection preferences, sound source selection, video preferences, general settings and the help page links.

vokoscreen main interface

When Vokoscreen is active but not recording, it will be displayed in the Ubuntu system tray as a green triangle.

vokoscreen in Ubuntu system tray

To start recording a screencast, first choose the region (whether a window or the entire screen and so on), then hit the “Start” button. Also webcam stream can be captured (if webcam in installed) and this screencast can be magnified too if  “Magnification” is enabled. It also has the countdown settings for specifying time delay in seconds before starting the screen capture.

vokoscreen screen capture in progress


Now, the green triangle will turn to red square and a dull square (red for stopping the screencast and dull square for pausing).

vokoscreen system tray icon when recording screencast

One useful feature about Vokoscreen is that the captured screencasts are saved directly as .mkv files thereby making them of small size. The path where the recorded screencasts are stored can be changed from the default user home directory to any other path by accessing the general settings section.

vokoscreen general settings

Also, the default video player associated with playing the recorded screencasts can be changed from here.

playing the vokoscreen screencast

This is a uncluttered and easy to use screencast tool for Ubuntu / Linux Mint. (Kazam is another such tool).

Do give it a try.



By admin

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