February 7, 2025
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YouTube provides notifications for subscribed channels and also about latest uploaded videos from the subscribed channels.

To receive these updates and also notifications whenever a new video is uploaded belonging to subscribed channels, here is what to do :

Login to YouTube and go to account settings.

Choose “Email”.

Changing email notification settings in YouTube

Scroll down to the section “Emails about your subscriptions”. For a summary of YouTube activities, this section has the default update frequency as weekly but can be changed to daily as well. Here select “Edit settings”next to “New uploads” .

Changing upload notifications about subscribed YouTube channels

Next, a list of all channels that are subscribed to, simply select those for whom email updates are needed by enabling the tick mark below “Send me updates”.

enabling upload video notification for subscribed channels in YouTube

All done. Notifications about subscribed channels will now be active and will be emailed as and when these channels are updated.

Happy YouTube viewing!

By admin

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