February 3, 2025
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It can be useful to know what type of retweets are being favorited or actively retweeted by your Twitter followers.

So Twitter offers email notifications related to activities involving retweets. This includes notifications when your retweets are marked as favorites and when they are retweeted.

To enable this :

Go to profile icon on top right of Twitter account after logging in and select “Settings”.

Accessing Twitter settings

Next, scroll down to Email notifications

Configuring email notifications in Twitter

Here enable the tick next to “My Retweets are marked as favorites” and “My Retweets are retweeted”. This can be set to show notifications from anyone related to the retweets or only those relevant or with similar interests. To set either of the preferences, either select “By anyone” or “Tailored for you” accordingly.

Enable email notifications for activities related to retweeting

Finally, hit “Save Changes” for these retweet related email notifications to be active.

Saving the retweet notification changes

So from now on, all retweeting related activity will be emailed as it happens.

retweet is retweeted email notification rtwt5

Happy Tweeting and Retweeting!

By admin

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