February 8, 2025

It can be useful to know time in various parts of the world without going to any website or using a desktop app. Simple Clocks for Firefox is an add-on which does this by showing time in different cities across the world right within Firefox.

Download and install it from here.

After it is installed, right click the clock icon and choose “Locations”to start adding locations for which time needs to be shown.

accessing locations in Simple Clocks

From the “Countries” list drill down to the specific city/timezone and then click “Add”. The list will show up in the bottom pane of the “Selected” timezones pane. Simple Clocks also provides another way of doing this by searching for a city using the GeoNames database.

adding different cities for tracking time zones in Simple Clocks

Once the selected cities are added, to show them in Firefox, click “Apply”.

The time in those locations will now be displayed next to address bar. There are various other options like time format, time display preferences and alarms which can be configured from the “Display” tab. This is again accessed by right click and “Options”.

adding flags and setting time display preferences in Simple Clocks

Display options for Simple Clocks

Also, it can be easier to group time locations by flags. By default, the flag option is disabled as flag icons aren’t downloaded. To enable, go to “Flags” tab and download the flag icons for various countries. Then enable the “Show flags” option in Display.

Downloading flags for Simple Clocks

The world locations will now be displayed with their respective flags.

Simple Clocks with flags enabled

Quite a useful world time add-on.



By admin

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