January 24, 2025

It is essential to keep Windows PC updated and optimized. This is not only for performance reasons but also for security purposes. Newer versions of programs are always released to add more features and enhance security.

Also, over a period of time, due to a lot of installed programs, the PC performance may become sluggish. This can be due to a number of reasons like lots of temporary files, lot of startup programs, disk space not optimized and so on.

Here are 3 useful PC tuneup tools that help in tuning up the system and also make managing these tasks easy :

CCleaner : The ever popular CCleaner not only deletes temporary system as well as browser files but also works in managing startup items, removing installed programs and securely wiping disk space.

deleting temp files using ccleaner

Running this tool at regular intervals ensures smooth performance of Windows systems.

Disk SpeedUp : This is a simple but effective and fast disk defragmenting utility. It can be configured to perform a disk defragmentation at boot up and also anytime if needed.

disk speedup interface

Using this regularly will optimize hard disk usage and hence tune up Windows performance. Detailed usage instructions can be found here.

Patch My PC : Having latest and updated version of installed software on PC is essential. This tool exactly does that. It will display all the available updates (if any) for installed programs and patch them. Not only it can be used for individual programs but also for Windows system update. Here is how to use it.

patch my pc main screen

Running it at regular intervals will ensure that all the programs are always updated with the latest version.

All these tools are free to download and use.

So using them regularly will keep the system optimized and result in a performance boost.

By admin

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