February 3, 2025
online pdf converter

Investintech is a Canadian company which has been recognized as one of the leading developers of PDF solutions. It offers different desktop, server and developers products for more than 15 years. It’s leading product, Able2Extract has been well known to all PDF users, but for those who don’t want commercial solutions for their conversion needs, can now be relieved. The company has recently released an online PDF to Word Converter that is completely free of charge, and available to any Internet user.

Here is a quick and easy three-step tutorial on how you can use this online converter:

1. Go to the converter webpage and upload the PDF file to the service by clicking the Select PDF to Convert:

online pdf converter

This service can work with different types of PDF files, large or small, and there is no limit to file size or to the number of pages it converts. The only restriction is that can be sent only one file at the time, and you will have to wait after one conversion is finished to upload another file to the service.

2. Type your email address, to which you want the file to be received.

3. Click Start button, and the file will be sent for conversion.

After couple of minutes, you will receive an email with a notification that your file has been converted. If the server is experiencing a large number of requests, the conversion process could take around half an hour. However you may close the browser and continue doing some other work, and you wiil be notified when the conversion is over.

The whole process is done on the server automatically so it is not possible to set custom modifications like in the desktop software version, however the quality will be the same. The exact look and layout of the original PDF will be preserved, but the new file will be in .docx format and be perfectly ready for editing of your preference.

Last but not the least, this company guarantees that all uploaded data is deleted after 24 hours.That goes for user’s emails and uploaded documents. All of those information is completely removed 24 hours after the conversion. That is why users need to download the file in the period of one day after the PDF file is sent for conversion, otherwise everything will be deleted, and the whole process will have to be repeated again.

Happy converting!

By admin

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