February 28, 2025

Backup Bird is a backup monitoring solution for servers that can keep track of various backup activities, resource graphs and also provides a central interface to take backups between remote server and cloud services like AWS, DropBox and FTP. It can notify about completed and failed backups, provide a detailed server log view of the monitored servers and also take various database backups like MySQL, mongoDB, MariaDB and more.

This is convenient when there are multiple servers that are involved in backups and rather than logging in each of them, just add them to Backup Bird dashboard.

Also, using it is free for a single server. Sign up here for a free account. The other plans require a subscription and can range from 5 servers to more than 50 servers. Plan details can be found here.

It works by first adding the remote server(s) to it’s dashboard and then configuring that server to install Backup Bird agent. As of now, only Linux agent is available, Windows agent is expected to be released soon.

Adding a server to Backup Bird :

From the dashboard, click on Server list and choose Add Server.

adding servers in backup bird dashboard

Enter the server name, it’s IP address and a brief description. Then, click Next.

entering server details in backup bird

Select the backup schedule.

setting the backup schedule for backup bird monitored servers

Finally, choose when to receive notifications about backups. Click Add to finalize the server settings.

configuring backup related notifications in backup bird

This adds the required server to Backup Bird account but it won’t be connected yet.

For connecting, the backup agent package needs to be installed on the server side.

Installing Backup Bird Agent on Linux server :

To do this, login via SSH to the remote server and follow these steps :

First, download the installation files :

sudo wget https://app.backupbird.com/downloads/backupbird-latest.tgz

Then, uncompress the installation package.

sudo tar -zxvf backupbird-latest.tgz

Once uncompressed, install the backup agent.

sudo ./backupbird.run

Overall, the progress will look something like below.

installing backupbird agent in linux server

Now, to make the server “talk” with the backup service, the server key from Backup Bird dashboard for that server needs to be entered. From the Backup Bird dashboard, click on Show key and copy paste that in the config.toml file (as shown below in the key = “” field).

copying server key from backup bird dashboard

Other details like provider settings (Amazon Web Services etc), backup settings and database settings can also be configured here.

sudo nano /etc/backupbird/conf.toml

editing backup bird agent configuration file

Finally, when all changes are done, save the file and start the agent.

sudo service backupbird start

If configured correctly regardless of backup providers chosen or not, Backup Bird dashboard should now list the chosen server as online/connected.

server successfully connected to backup bird dashboard

If the server is still shown as not connected, stop and restart the agent. Then, refresh the Backup Bird dashboard page.

sudo service backupbird stop

sudo service backupbird start

The guides for backing up to different cloud providers can be found here :

Amazon S3



As this is a new service, other providers would be added soon.

Backups can also be manually initiated by clicking on the lines icon next to Status and choosing Backup now.

server related options in backup bird

Based on notification preferences, email about backups and also server connectivity will be sent.

backup bird email notifications

Also, clicking on the server name will display all it’s details along with the resource graphs.

server information displayed by backup bird dashboard

resource graphs of monitored server using backup bird graphs of backup details of monitored server using backup bird

Do give it a try.

By admin

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