February 12, 2025

Bitdefender Internet Security 2017 is a comprehensive online security suite that prevents viruses, trojans and malware from infecting system and also provides data privacy and protection.

With it’s vast global installation on over 500 million computers forming an early warning system, spreading of latest rootkits, zero day exploits and other malicious software is anticipated and prevented in early stages.

All of this is done without consuming a lot of system resources thereby making it a non-intrusive protection mechanism for computers.

Download and install it from Bitdefender downloads page here.

During installation, it will download the latest version and continue with the process.

downloading and installing Bitdefender Internet Security 2017

The overall installation is pretty simple. An option of custom installation will also be available from where the install location can be changed and also a complete system scan can be prevented from being run during installation (to save time, although recommended not to skip it).

install screen of Bitdefender Internet Security 2017

custom installation settings of Bitdefender Internet Security 2017

As it’s an Internet security suite, any open web programs like browsers and email clients will be prompted to be closed for securing them.

hardening browser security using Bitdefender Internet Security 2017

Bitdefender extensions will be enabled for browsers on relaunching them.

bitdefender wallet extension for Chrome

Once installation is complete, an account needs to be created to login to a dashboard Bitdefender Central. Managing this product across multiple devices, adding new devices and more can be done using this.

completed installation of Bitdefender Internet Security 2017

creating a bitdefender account

If purchased, enter the activation code or chose the trial option for 30 days.

activating Bitdefender Internet Security 2017


The main user interface of Bitdefender Internet Security 2017 is sleek and minimalistic with different features available as icons in left column.

central interface of Bitdefender Internet Security 2017

By default, autopilot mode is set to on. This is recommended as it will tweak and optimize settings on own without any user know-how. There are different modules and sub-modules in Bitdefender Internet Security 2017 that are to be used for various features. Here is how to configure them :

Protection : This consists of Quick Scan and Vulnerability Scan, App Protection, File Protection and Web Protection. Each of these modules can be used for hardening security by clicking on View Modules.

protection modules

Antivirus module can launch quick or full scans and manage them. Rescue Environment can perform a system rescue. Antispam can be used for blacklisting email addresses (for spammers) or whitelisting them for friends.

scanning using Bitdefender Internet Security 2017

Vulnerability scan checks all the installed apps and lists those which need to be updated for patching security vulnerabilities. Wi-Fi security advisor can scan for public wi-fis and home wi-fis to check if they are vulnerable. Web Protection can be used to whitelist trusted websites.

Firewall allows/blocks specific applications, configures networks and blocks ports scans (default). Ransomware Protection can be used to whitelist apps which are safe but blocked and view those apps which were malicious.

Privacy : This module covers Safepay (which is a hardened built-in browser) that can be used for online financial transactions. When in use, a lock icon will be visible at corner of screen for switching back and forth.

SafePay enabled in Bitdefender Internet Security 2017

Parental Advisor keeps a tab on online digital activities of children (by adding a child profile from the online dashboard Bitdefender Central).

parental advisor for Bitdefender Internet Security 2017

Wallets (which are used to store personal sensitive information like passwords) that can be auto-filled directly from here and File Vault (for safeguarding and locking files by allocating a specific disk space).

Additional Tools : Upgrading to BitDefender Total Security Multi-Device 2017 gives access to other system tools like OneClick Optimizer, Disk Cleanup, StartUp Optimizer and Anti-Theft.

upgrade options

Activity : This is basically a log of events that shows number of blocked apps, threats and attacks. Checking it regularly can be useful in avoiding certain websites and apps. Security Report too can be viewed from here.

activity viewer

Notifications : This shows latest alerts and also any actions that need to be taken.

notifications tab


Account : Used to renew existing subscription or upgrade.

user account info for Bitdefender Internet Security 2017

Settings : There are many useful settings that can be configured from here. Essentially, settings are divided into General, Advanced, Update and Profile.

Bitdefender Internet Security 2017 settings

General includes options of changing password, displaying security widget, notifying about security report when available, Paranoid mode (locks down most of the system activity and to be used when under attack), antimalware scan service and more.

Advanced : Scanning hosts files, sending anonymous usage data for improved detection and using a proxy can be configured from here.

advanced settings

Update : This deals with the updates frequency as in how frequent are the latest updates downloaded. The default settings of  automatic hourly updates in silent mode are fine for normal usage.

update options in Bitdefender Internet Security 2017

Profile : Configuring this is interesting. Setting a profile based on the type of task makes Bitdefender Internet Security 2017 give more importance to related activity.

For example : when replying to emails and not wanting other distractions, use the Work Profile mode. This will enhance email protection while at the same time reduce usage related to other tasks thereby avoiding any potential system slowdown. Or when gaming or watching movies, various notifications/interruptions are disabled thereby removing any distractions.

Pretty handy.

choosing different profiles for Bitdefender Internet Security 2017

Overall, this is a lightweight Internet security protection suite that can keep computer protected from malicious software, secure data and enhance online privacy all from a single dashboard

Happy protecting.


By admin

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