February 20, 2025

The new Gmail is here and has many new features than before. (Some of the new Gmail features as of publishing this article are yet to be available for this specific account. However a brief description of them is listed and they will be reviewed in depth once available).

 To use this new version, click on the gear icon and choose Try the new Gmail.
switching to new Gmail
Click Next on the welcome screen.
new Gmail welcome screen
Finally, choose a layout – Default, Comfortable or Compact.
choosing a Gmail layout view
Inbox layout: The new Gmail inbox looks a lot sleeker with many new changes.
new Gmail inbox
The default folder view on left can now be changed to only an icons view or be kept as it is by clicking on the horizontal lines icon.
Gmail icons for folders
The preview pane can be selected from the top and can either be No split, Vertical or Horizontal Split.
preview pane options in new Gmail
Also, there is an option of choosing the input keyboard next to it.
Inbox integration : A distinct addition to new Gmail is the integration of Calendar, Keep and Tasks which can directly be accessed from the right side of inbox.
new Gmail inbox intergration
Simply select any one of them to begin taking notes, setting up events, tasks and so on.
Google Keep integration with Gmail
Also, other add-ons for Gmail can be installed from the G Suite Marketplace using the + sign.
adding other Gmail add-ons from G Suite Marketplace

Expiring emails : Similar to ProtonMail, expiring emails can be set to auto-destruct after a set time. This is useful when sending sensitive data which needs to have very limited access. This feature is available in Confidential mode and hasn’t rolled out to many Gmail users as of now.

Nudge: Using AI, Gmail can let you know if you have missed out replying on messages. These messages will be displayed on top as a reminder.

Smart Reply : Depending on the content of received emails, Smart reply will show possible suggested replies to it which can then be used directly.

Snooze: For email messages, simply hovering on them can lead to snoozing them, marking them as read , archiving or deleting them. Snooze option is for putting off low priority emails in a to-do queue.
To use the Snooze option, either select the clock icon by hovering on email message or opening it and then selecting it.
choosing a snooze date and time for messages in Gmail
Next, specify a future date and time from the available drop-down or select Pick date & time.
Once an email message is snoozed, it will now be available in Snoozed folder from where it can again be unsnoozed.
Snoozed folder in Gmail
Adding recipients: Recipients can now be directly added from the message body by using a + which will display a list of potential recipients and will directly be added in the To field.

adding a recipient from the Gmail message body

Overall, this is a useful update with many useful features. The new look Gmail seems a lot snappier with more choices and clutter-free.

Do try it out.




By admin

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