February 27, 2025

Etcher is a lightweight, cross platform tool to create bootable USB drives and SD cards. It is free to use, available for Windows/Linux and macOS.

It can be downloaded as a setup or as a portable app from here.

downloading Etcher setup or portable version for either Windows, Linux or macOS

Using it involves 3 steps :

  • Selecting the ISO image of the operating system to be installed
  • Confirming the target drive
  • Flashing

To begin, launch Etcher and select the ISO image. Once the image is selected, it will automatically detect and display the portable drive which can be made bootable.

choosing the OS ISO for creating a bootable drive

Click Flash for the process to begin.

Flashing the removable drive for making it a bootable drive

Once it is over, the target drive will be validated to ensure it has been flashed correctly. This is useful to detect any errors then and there rather than trying to boot a damaged drive during installation.

validating the flashing process in Etcher

If all goes well, Etcher will display the status accordingly. Now, the bootable drive can be removed and be used for installing OS.

Flashing process complete with the drive made bootable

Also, the settings in Etcher which can be accessed through the gear icon on top right are simple and the default ones are just fine.

Ether settings

All done.

Happy installing.


By admin

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