February 12, 2025

Windows 10 April 2018 Update now has a Timeline feature. This is basically a history of activities grouped by days which can then be accessed at any later point in time.

So, when working with documents, websites or apps that are frequently accessed, Timeline can make it quicker to return to using them.

using Timeline in Windows 10

To access it, click the rectangular pane icon in task bar or use Windows key + Tab.

accessing Timeline from Windows 10 taskbar

Timeline basically combines recently accessed apps, websites and documents into groups by date and lists them. It can also be searched for specific file types, keywords and more by using the search icon on top right.

It will then display specific results on a per day basis.

searching for items in Timeline

To remove particular entries listed in Timeline, right click on them and choose Remove.

clearing entries and removing specific items from Timeline

By default, Timeline is enabled. However, if you want to disable it, go to Settings (Windows key + I) > Privacy and then Activity history.

accessing Privacy settings in Windows 10

There, disable the options of Windows collecting activities from PC and syncing it to cloud respectively.

disabling Timeline in Windows 10

All done.


By admin

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