January 23, 2025

This month ends with yet another giveaway. 🙂

In collaboration with Fixthephoto, free Photoshop and Lightroom actions, LUTs, and presets are available to download and use.

Fixthephoto freebies

Giveaway Details:

There is no time limit for this giveaway.

Go to the Fixthephoto freebies product page here.

Fixthephoto freebies page

Choose the freebies to be downloaded by clicking on them and click Download from the bottom of their respective pages.


downloading Fixthephoto freebies

Enter a valid email address as the link to download these freebies will be sent there.

enter email for Fixthephoto freebies


email registered for Fixthephoto freebies

Check your email inbox, there will be a message from Fixthephoto. The bottom of the message will have the freebies link.

Fixthephoto freebies download link in email

Click that to open the product page. The freebies depending on your selection will be downloaded and ready to use.

Fixthephoto freebies downloaded successfullyThese will be available as zip files, extract and use them.


list of Fixthephoto freebies downloaded

Also, there is a cool product discount that you can use for any purchases if needed. This discount code will be available in the email message that you get for the freebies. 🙂

discount codes for various Fixthephoto products

You can then add cool effects when editing photos.

before and after effects using LR presets
Lightroom presets
before and after effects using PS oil painting effects
Oil painting Photoshop actions
Wedding LUTs

Happy photo editing.


By admin

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