February 19, 2025

The web version of Outlook.com now has the Send later feature by which you can schedule emails to be sent later at a specified date and time.

To use it, login to Outlook.com and click on New message.

composing a new message in Outlook.com

At the bottom of the message window, click on the down arrow next to the Send button to display the Send later option.

Send later option in Outlook.com

Select it and add a date and time when the message is to be scheduled for sending.

choosing a date and time for sending emails from Outlook.com

The default time intervals for Send later are of 30 minutes each but you can also enter a custom time.

choosing a time for sending scheduled emails in Outlook.com

Then click on Send.

sending a scheduled message in Outlook.com

The message even though will be shown as sending will only be sent at the date and time for which it is scheduled.

To cancel this scheduled send message or reschedule it, go to the Drafts folder and select it.

scheduled send messages are in Drafts folder in Outlook.com

Then click on Cancel Send to cancel sending the message at the chosen date and time. The message will be available again to edit and send it at a later date.

cancelling and rescheduling send later messages in Outlook.com

Also, for sending email messages that expire automatically along with a scheduled sending option, Gmail and ProtonMail can be useful.

All done.

By admin

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