February 27, 2025

It can be useful to know which files and folders take up a lot of space. WizTree is a free tool for Windows that can track the disk contents and also list the contents in an easy to see form. It provides a detailed granular view about the structure of files and folders which then makes it simple to optimize or delete them.

Download and install it from here. Although free to use, you can contribute by supporting its development here.

Scanning for files and folders:

On launching it, WizTree will detect different partitions and disk. Choose a partition or disk whose usage needs to be analyzed by clicking on Scan.

WizTree main interface

The default view is the Tree View and WizTree will quickly index and display files and folders even if it is run for the very first time.

scanning for files and folders using WizTree

The list of files and folders will be visible with the size of them as a percentage of the parent drive in the left pane. The right-pane will show the file types along with the disk space occupied by them too as a percentage of the parent drive. This is also applicable when examining individual folder contents.

list of files and folders displayed in WizTree

This makes it easy to know which files and folders are occupying the most space within a drive, partition, or in parent folders.

breakdown view of folders and files using WizTree

The list can also be sorted based on the allocated space, the number of items, or the number of files or folders. This is helpful when analyzing large folders and sorting them out when trying to free up disk space.

sorting files and folders based on size, items and other options in WizTreeThe individual folders can also be opened in a new WizTree window with their contents listed by right-clicking and selecting WizTree.

opening folders in WizTree view

They too will show the same breakdown of sub folders and files within them.

files and sub-folders within a folder displayed using WizTree

They can also be deleted from within WizTree either by deleting or right-clicking and selecting Delete.

deleting files and folders in WizTree


There is also a cool Treemap which will show these contents as color-coded at the very bottom of the pane.

treemap for files and folders in WizTree

The default color scheme is based on the size of the contents which means big files and folders will be having one color, smaller ones having another, and so on.

Also, to turn off Treemap from showing at the bottom of the pane, go to Options > Show Treemap and disable it. Other than that, you can also show allocated space and free space (which are off by default) in it.

enabling and disabling treemap with some other options in WizTree

The colors for it too can be changed from here by choosing Options > Colors.

configuring treemap colors in WizTree

The default criteria for Treemap is that it is displayed by Size. It can, however, be changed to display color-coded areas as extensions. So if you’d like to see the disk space occupied by files of a particular extension (like video files), choose Extension and enter the required file types next to the color-codes.

displaying treemap by size or extension in WizTree

Also, there is the option of using the Color Blind option when displaying Treemap so that only limited colors are displayed. Click on the Color Blind button, that will display colors different from the default color scheme.

color blind treemap options in WizTree

That is pretty useful.

Exporting files and folders info:

You can also select specific files and folders when using WizTree and save their content list as a CSV file or copy the file and size info to clipboard and then save it as a text file. To do that, right-click on the specific folder and choose Export to.CSV file or Copy file and size info to clipboard.

exporting files and folder info from WizTree as CSV file

The folder details will then be exported and can be viewed as a CSV file.

CSV file with files and folders details exported from WizTree

If the file and size info is copied, opening it by copy-pasting in a text file will show those details.

copy-pasted file and folder info from clipboard to text file in WizTreeFile searching:

If you want to search for specific files then switch to File View and enter the required criteria. WizTree also supports searching by wildcards so you can refine the search as needed.

searching for files using wildcards in WizTree


Running multiple instances:

Another cool feature about WizTree is that you can run multiple instances of it by choosing File > New Instance.

opening a new WizTree instance

So if you want to scan different partitions and disks and compare them side by side, open a new instance for each of them

scanning different partitions as new WizTree instances

This is a lightweight and fast file searching and disk usage tool.

Do try it out.


By admin

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One thought on “Quickly Find Large Files And Folders Using WizTree”
  1. Saving to only .csv is a limitation
    What about saving to: txt, html, xml, directly to MS-Excel, directly to a printer?
    This can be done with Directory Report

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