February 27, 2025

Thunderbird can convert email messages from inbox to calendar events and tasks. This is useful when you’d want to prioritize emails and add them as tasks and events to be completed by a timeline.

Here is how to do that:

Right-click on the email message in Thunderbird and select Convert To.

converting emails to tasks or calendar events in Thunderbird

Choose either Event or Task to convert the message.

choosing ro convert email to event or task in Thunderbird

Converting emails to events:

When added as an event, the email message will open as a calendar event. The default title and description will be that of the email message title and content.

adding email message as a calendar event in Thunderbird

Choose the start and end dates. Also, you can invite attendees for this like any other calendar event. To change the privacy settings of this event, click on Privacy and from the drop-down menu select Private Event or Public Event.

changing the privacy settings for calendar event in Thunderbird

You can also add it to a specific category from the Category drop-down menu.

adding calendar event to a category in Thunderbird

To add attendees, click on Invite Attendees and add the email of the recipients along with the event time. Click OK to complete and select Save and Close.

inviting attendees for calendar events in Thunderbird

The email message will now show up as a calendar event in Thunderbird.

email message converted to calendar event in Thunderbird

Converting emails to tasks:

For adding email messages as tasks, right-click as before and select Convert To > Task. The task window will show up. Add the start and end date for the task. Also, the default task title and description will be the same as the email title and content like the calendar event.

email message converted to task in Thunderbird

Change the status of the task from Status drop-down. Once saved by clicking on Save and Close, there will be a reminder window that can be snoozed or dismissed.

task reminder in Thunderbird

The Events and Tasks section in Thunderbird will now show the converted email message as an added task along with the due date.

events and tasks section in Thunderbird

task list containing the converted email message

Converting between tasks and events:

You can also convert these calendar events and tasks back and forth or as email messages. So, for converting an existing task to an event or a message, right-click on it and choose Convert To.

convert a task to event or message in Thunderbird


Similarly, to convert an existing calendar event to a task or message, right-click and select Convert To as before.

This is a useful feature in Thunderbird as it makes assigning and planning events and tasks easier right from the email messages.

All done.

By admin

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