February 27, 2025

Image Resizer by Icecream Apps is a free offline tool to resize images from various formats. It supports JPG, PNG, JPEG, BMP, and TIFF images.

Image Resizer by IceCream Apps

Download and install it from here.

After installing, launch Image Resizer.

Image Resizer interface

It supports single image resizing and batch conversion.

Resizing images:

To resize a single image, click on Add image. Then add it or drag-drop it.

adding individual images for resizing in Image Resizer

The left pane will show the source image details like its dimensions and size.

various resizing options in Image Resizer

The right pane is from where you can choose the resizing options. Image Resizer supports various presets for images like Email, Desktop, Instagram, Facebook Timeline Cover, and more. So, to use the image for any of those, select as needed from the Profile drop-down menu.

choosing an image profile for resizing with Image Resizer

Image presets for some of the mobile devices are also available.

social media image resizing presets in Image Resizer

If it is a vertical one, select the Vertical images recognition option. Other than that, a custom resolution is also supported and can be manually specified.

By default, the resized image is saved to the same path as the source image but with a mini prefix added to it. You can change this destination path to a new folder from the Save to drop-down menu.

choosing output path options in Image Resizer

After these output settings are selected, click on the RESIZE button.

begin resizing using Image Resizer

Confirm it once again to start resizing.

confirm resizing before starting in Image Resizer

Once completed, you can click on the OPEN FOLDER button to view the resized image.

image successfully resized using Image Resizer

If saved with the default save settings, the mini prefix would have been added to the processed image.

resized image saved with the default prefix using Image Resizer

Batch resizing images:

Image Resizer supports batch resizing. So, if there are different images to be resized, specify the folder path to resize. To do that, click on Add folder.

batch resizing images with Image Resizer

Select the source folder with images. The left pane will show the image details and just like when processing the individual image. Select the Profile drop-down menu to pick a preset or specify custom dimensions from the right pane.

choosing the output profile settings for batch resizing with Image Resizer

Then choose the output path where they will be saved on resizing from the Save to drop-down menu. Finally, click RESIZE to continue and confirm it.

The images from the source folder will be resized and available in the output path that was specified.

images resized in batch with Image Resizer

Other settings:

To configure Image Resizer settings, click on Settings.

configuring other settings for Image Resizer

From there, you can change the default output path for saving the resized images and the interface language.

changing the default output path and interface language in Image Resizer

For the PRO version, you can also customize various watermark settings, but the free version is enough for resizing as it does so without any restrictions.

It is a lightweight and simple image resizing tool to resize images for different purposes.

All done.

By admin

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