Forecastfox is a useful weather forecast add-on that is available for Firefox and Google Chrome. It gives various weather-related details based on the location selected. The weather information is pulled through Accuweather and displayed in an easy-to-see format.
This example shows how it works in Firefox. Download and install it from the add-ons page here.
Once installed, it will be available next to the Firefox address bar.
Also, a settings page will be shown through which you can change Forecastfox.
Using Forecastfox is easy. Click on the add-on icon to display the weather details. Various weather-related information will be available for the default location.
It also shows the weather forecast in a column view for the location.
Add locations for weather updates:
To add a new location for weather details, click on the settings icon from the weather pop-up window and select New location.
Enter the location name and a map will be displayed for it.
Click on the select location button to add it.
You can also switch between the added locations at different custom time intervals. To do that, again click on the settings icon from the weather pop-up and select Switch Locations.
Then enable the option of Automatically switch locations every 0.05 minutes. This interval can be changed as needed.
Forecastfox also displays the weather details by hovering the mouse pointer over the add-on icon.
It is also available as a widget at the corner right and clicking on it will show the weather data in a compact format.
You can also expand and see the weather map as well as an hourly forecast for the locations.
Configuring settings:
Forecastfox supports extensive customization and has many settings to do that. Click on the settings icon from the weather pop-up and choose Options.
This will display the same settings page that was displayed during the first run after the add-on was installed. There are many options to choose from in Forecastfox. You can change how the weather information is shown. Toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius display through the Units section. Pick a display style for the add-on from the Icons section.
Options like showing the weather forecast for both days and nights or just for days/nights individually can be changed from the Weather forecast settings.
Where the add-on is displayed can also be changed from here.
Various weather-related data like humidity, dew point, wind, and others can be changed from the Weather Data settings. Options like changing the theme and temperature buttons and more can be configured from the Other section.
You can also backup your settings and load them as needed.
This is a useful weather forecast add-on that makes it easy to know the weather details from anywhere in the world.
All done.