February 15, 2025

Check PC Compatibility With Windows 11 Without Using The PC Health Check Tool

With Windows 11 to be rolled out soon, the list of minimum system requirements for Windows 11 can be found here.

Windows 11 minimum system requirements

Microsoft had released a PC Health Check tool that could detect if your PC would run Windows 11 or not.

PC Health Check tool

This tool is discontinued for now because it didn’t give enough information about compatibility issues.

PC Health Checkup tool diagnosis for Windows 11 compatibility


So, there is a free and unofficial tool that you can use, which is called WhyNotWin11. It is an open-source Windows detection script that will check your PC and determine any Windows 11 incompatibility issues in detail.

Download and install it from here.

download page for WhyNotWin11

It would be blocked by Defender SmartScreen from running.

Defender SmartScreen blocks WhyNotWin11

Click on the More info link and choose Run Anyway because it is perfectly safe to do so.

allowing WhyNotWin11 to run on Windows 10

You may however want to scan it with third-party antivirus software to confirm before running.

third party anti-virus scan of WhyNotWin11

WhyNotWin11 will list the details in a list format and show what components and settings for your existing PC are compatible or incompatible with Windows 11.

WhyNotWin11 diagnosis for Windows 11 compatibility

The most common incompatibility issues would be no UEFI support and secure boot being disabled. All of these can be changed by configuring the BIOS settings to make the PC compatible. So this tool makes it easy to narrow down and resolve Windows 11 compatibility issues through a detailed checklist.

Also, if you find that some of your existing PC hardware isn’t compatible at all with Windows 11, there is no need to replace it immediately.

It is because Windows 10 updates will continue and Windows 10 is supported till 14 October 2025.

All done.

By admin

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