March 31, 2025

With the new iPhone 13 rumored to be released just around the corner, AOMEI has launched a free giveaway of MBackupper Pro worth $29.95.

Key Features of MBackupper Pro:

  • Migrate data from old iPhones and iOS devices to new ones with a few clicks
  • Migrate data between iOS devices and PC
  • Erase all the data from iOS devices
  • One-click iPhone Transfer
  • Manage storage on iOS devices by deleting unwanted data

Giveaway details:

This is a time-sensitive giveaway valid from September 3 to October 1, 2021.

No participation or registration is necessary for this giveaway.

How to avail of the giveaway offer:

Go to the MBackupper Pro giveaway page and download the setup. It will be a zipped file so extract it.

AOMEI MBackupper Pro giveaway

A setup along with the text file having the giveaway serial key will be available.

setup file and giveaway license key for MBackupper Pro

Note: This giveaway license key is valid for one year from the date of activation.

giveaway license key and instructions

Using the giveaway version of MBackupper Pro:

Run the setup and let the installation finish. On the first run, a prompt to enter the license key is displayed.

registering the giveaway version of MBackupper Pro

Copy-paste the giveaway key from the text file. MBackupper Pro is now registered and valid for use for a year.

registered giveaway version

The interface is simple. Connect the iOS device(s) and choose from any of the different transfer options like iPhone to iPhone, Transfer to iPhone, Transfer to Computer, and so on.

MBackupper Pro interface

Transfer from computer to iPhone:

transfer data from PC to iPhone

Transfer from iPhone to computer:

transfer data from iPhone to PC

To copy data from the old iPhone to the new one, connect both to the PC and choose the iPhone to iPhone option.

transfer data between iPhonesBesides that, there are other tools like Full Backup, HEIC Converter, and Erase iPhone if you would want to back up the existing data or simply wipe the data off the old one before selling it. It is a useful tool if you would want to migrate to the upcoming new iPhone.

Stay tuned for more giveaways.

All done.

By admin

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