March 14, 2025

Fragments is a lightweight BitTorrent client for the GNOME environment. Based on Flatpak, it can be installed in Linux Mint.

Installing Fragments in Linux Mint:

Here is how:

To launch it from the Terminal, first, run an update:

sudo apt update

Then type in the following:

flatpak install flathub de.haeckerfelix.Fragments

installing fragments in linux mint

Proceed with the installation after agreeing with the prompts.

installing fragments through terminal in linux mint

installation progress for fragments

Once installed, it can be run through the Terminal, or it can be accessed from the Accessories menu.

Fragments installed in Linux Mint
To launch it from the Terminal, type in:

flatpak run de.haeckerfelix.Fragments

launching fragments through Linux Mint Terminal

Using Fragments:

Fragments is a minimal and basic BitTorrent client by which you can download torrents either through the magnet link, or the torrents files. The launch screen will show these options.

Fragments in Linux Mint
For magnet links, you can copy them. They will then be added for downloads. If there are no other torrent clients installed, then torrent files will automatically open in Fragments.

opening torrents in fragments
After adding the torrents for downloading, clicking on them will display the different details like the number of seeders, leechers, download/ upload speed, and more. The pause/resume button will pause or resume the downloading. The Remove button will delete the added torrent.

torrents downloading through fragments

Configuring Fragments:

To access and configure different options in Fragments, click on the square icon from the top right of the main window and choose Preferences.

accessing preferences in fragments
These options are of two main categories:

General: Change the appearance to the dark mode or choose a different download folder. You can also increase or decrease the parallel downloads from here.

Fragments General settings

Notification settings too can be changed from this section.

Network: Change the encryption settings from here.

Fragments Network settings
Overall, this is a fairly minimal and easy-to-use BitTorrent client for downloading torrents. There are other more comprehensive torrent clients too like Tixati.

Happy downloading.

By admin

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