November 7, 2024

Here’s how to convert a DJVU file to a PDF file in Linux Mint:

1. Issue the following command at the terminal –

sudo apt-get install djview4

2. After the installation is complete, click on ‘Menu>Graphics>DjView4’ to launch the application.

3. Click ‘File>Open’.

Browse and select the .djvu file you want to convert. Click ‘Open’.

4. Now, click on ‘File>Export as…’.

Now, select ‘Document’ in ‘Export’ option and ‘PDF Document’ in ‘Format:’ field. Specify a path and file name for the converted file and then click ‘OK’.

5. Now just wait for the .djvu file to get converted into .pdf file 😀

[Those who are interested in the e-book shown in the above screenshots can find it here. It’s available for free in the public domain.]

By admin

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