December 13, 2024

Here’s how to use deborphan to remove orphaned packages and save disk space in Linux Mint / Ubuntu:

1. Issue the following command at the terminal –

sudo apt-get install deborphan

2. After the installation is complete, issue the following command at the terminal to find orphan packages in the system –


3. To remove the orphan packages and free up disk space, issue the following command at the terminal –

sudo apt-get remove <orphan package name 1> <orphan package name 2> <orphan package name 3>…<orphan package name n>

Orphan package names will be names shown in the orphan package list from step 2.

By admin

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2 thoughts on “Saving Disk Space In Linux Mint Using Deborphan”
  1. Hey, very nice mini-tut here. Instead of manually typing each package though, you could issue the command:

    apt-get remove `deborphan`

    I personally prefer using aptitude and the purge command

    aptitude purge `deborphan`

    that would give ya the same results

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