December 12, 2024
Disable instant personalization

Facebook by default shares publicly available profile information with other partner sites in order to make user experience personal and specific to user needs as well as preferences. This is called instant personalization.

However if you want to turn this feature off completely, here is how to do that :

1. Log in to Facebook account and go to Account > Privacy settings.

Facebook account options

2. Click on “Edit Settings” next to Apps and Websites section.

Facebook privacy settings

3. Again select “Edit Settings” which is next to Instant personalization section.

Instant personalization edit settings

4. Remove the tick mark next to “Enable instant personalization on partner websites” on the page that appears, this will bring up a dialog box to confirm the choice, select the “Confirm” button.

Disable instant personalization

All done. From now on you won’t be able to see content displayed based on your own preferences or activities that friends would have done on the partner websites of Facebook.


By admin

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