December 13, 2024
How To Install VLC 2.0 In Linux Mint 12 / Ubuntu 11.10

Here’s how to install VLC 2.0 in Linux Mint 12 / Ubuntu 11.10:

1. Issue the following command at the terminal –

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:n-muench/vlc

How To Install VLC 2.0 In Linux Mint 12 / Ubuntu 11.10

2. After the repository has been added successfully, issue the following command at the terminal to update package list –

sudo apt-get update

How To Install VLC 2.0 In Linux Mint 12 / Ubuntu 11.10

3. Now, issue the following command at the terminal to install VLC 2.0 –

sudo apt-get install vlc

How To Install VLC 2.0 In Linux Mint 12 / Ubuntu 11.10

How To Install VLC 2.0 In Linux Mint 12 / Ubuntu 11.10

4. After the installation is complete, click on ‘Applications>Sound & Video>VLC media player’ to launch VLC 2.0.

How To Install VLC 2.0 In Linux Mint 12 / Ubuntu 11.10

5. Enjoy VLC 2.0 in Linux Mint 12 / Ubuntu 11.10!

How To Install VLC 2.0 In Linux Mint 12 / Ubuntu 11.10

By admin

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One thought on “How To Install VLC 2.0 In Linux Mint 12 / Ubuntu 11.10”
  1. Well, I used synaptic to remove the old vlc, then executed the sequence of commands above, and was disappointed to see vlc 1.1.12 reinstalled.

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