February 12, 2025
feedreader homepage

FeedReader online is an excellent alternative to the now closed Google Reader. This is an online, free RSS reader that makes it simple to create categories, add site/news feeds to chosen categories and even manage subscriptions by importing/exporting feeds.

Feedreader online home page

To begin, first make a free account here.

Once account is made, login and first create a new category for each type of RSS feeds that are needed by clicking “Add the new feed” and choosing “Create new category”.

Adding new categories and RSS feeds in feedreader



After that, it is time to start adding favorite website feeds for each of these categories. Don’t forget to add ihaveapc.com feed 🙂



Finally, hit “Add the feed”. All the recent articles as well as updates will begin to appear quickly.


Hitting the “Refresh” button will give latest feed details, also the views for the display window can be changed as well. Clicking the “Import your subscriptions” button will show a pop-up to either import existing feeds from other subscriptions or exporting the current feed subscription in OPML format.

importing and exporting RSS feeds in feedreader

This is a simple and uncluttered RSS feed reader that can be accessed from anywhere since it’s web-based. Do give it a try.

Happy subscribing.


By admin

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