February 19, 2025
Google Chrome logo

It may happen that the existing user profile may get damaged making the browsing experience undesirable.

Here is how to make a new Google Chrome user profile in Windows (7/Vista/8.x) :

Close all instances of Google Chrome. Then, open the “Run” box (Windows key + R) and type the following :

%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\


[ For Windows XP, type the following in Run box:

%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\    ]

In this folder, locate the “Default” folder and rename it to something else (like “Backup default” or “Backup old” and so on).


Now open Google Chrome. This will automatically create a new “Default” folder with the new profile.

Happy browsing.

By admin

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