February 8, 2025

Use The Facebook Security Tool To Review Account Security

Facebook has rolled out a security tool that can be used to check the safety of Facebook accounts.

Access it from here. Click on Start Security Checkup.

Facebook security checkup tool

This tool basically provides 3 areas of security that need to be checked for :

  • Logging out from unused apps and browsers

logging out of unused apps and browsers

  • Getting login notifications when you access your account from other devices (useful to check if account is compromised or not). Click on Turn an Alerts so that notifications regarding login are sent when account is accessed from a previously unknown device or browser.


  • Password protection tips like using unique passwords, strength of passwords and so on. Try this tool that can generate really strong and random passwords.

getting Facebook login alerts when signed in from unrecognized devices

Once the checklist is complete, the detailed security settings can be accessed to review if any further changes are required. Click on Go to Security Settings.

review completed when using Facebook security tool

This will load the Security Settings page from within your Facebook account. Any of the settings can be edited as needed.

Facebook security settings

Do give it a try.



By admin

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