February 28, 2025
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Migrate, backup and restore Oculus Rift installation, it’s games and apps using a free tool – vrBackupper.

This can come in handy when trying to preserve game data, game saves and settings while moving from one drive to other due to low disk space and so on.

Download and install it from here.

There are 3 main features about vrBackupper :

  • Backup/restore everything in Oculus Rift installation directory
  • Backup/restore only games and apps in Oculus Rift
  • Migrate the installation directory of Oculus Rift to a different drive.

Using the tool is simple. There are tabs for backup/restore and migration.

Migration : To migrate the Oculus installation to a different location, select the new location and click on Start Move. This will move Oculus to another drive or location.

migrating oculus rift installation using vrBackupper

The progress window will display the status of migration.

migration progress

Backup/Restore : Here there are two options : full backup of everything in the Oculus directory or backup Oculus games and apps. Select the backup location (preferably an external drive or removable storage) and click on Start Backup.

backing up oculus rift installation using vrBackupper

Restore: Similar to Backup function, choose the entire directory for restoartion or only the games and apps that were backed up. Choose the restore location and click on Start Restore.

restoring oculus rift installation using vrBackupper
This is a free, useful tool when wanting to preserve game progress and also not wanting to start from scratch after reinstallation of Oculus Rift.

Happy gaming.

By admin

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