February 23, 2025

PDF (Portable Document Format) is one of the most popular document formats in the world. As the name suggests, PDF files are portable and they are compatible wuth most systems because they can be converted into some of the other editable formats like MS Word, Excel and TXT. However there would be a lot of PDF documents with sensitive content that should not be editable or copied, so the easiest way is adding restrictions and permissions to their documents. But there are so many unlocking software products and websites which allow to crack the restrictions from PDF files very fast, and then the content of such docs could be copied and converted again.

PDF Anti-Copy is a free PDF protection tool that prevents PDF content from being copied and converted to editable formats like MS Word, Excel and TXT. After processed by PDF Anti-Copy, PDF content can be opened and viewed, but will not be copied and converted to editable formats.

Some of its features are :

  •  Prevents PDF files from being converted to editable formats like MS Word, Excel and TXT etc.
  • Selective page protection
  • Keeps the original PDF format and quality
  • Available in multi-languages : English, Chinese, German, French

The user interface is pretty simple. Either protect the entire PDF document or choose pages that needed to be protected. Click on Start Now to begin the process.

selecting document pages for restricting copying using pdf anti- copy

Once the process is complete, the converted document will be available in the destination path specified.

process of restricting copying using  pdf anti- copy

Unlike normal PDF protection tools that only add restrictions and permissions to PDF docs, PDF Anti-Copy processes all the words and graphics on selected important PDF pages to secure them without changing the original content format. The processed docs could be then viewed by any of PDF Readers, but copying and converting the content on the protected pages will not work even when protection cracking or restriction cracking programs are used.

Happy protecting!


By admin

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