March 14, 2025

Manjaro Linux – the popular Linux distribution that’s based on Arch Linux uses pacman as it’s command line package manager. So installation/removal of software packages in Manjaro is different than in Linux Mint or Ubuntu which uses apt.

[By the way, a cool feature about Manjaro is it’s rolling updates release. That means it is always updated without having to reinstall/upgrade from older versions. Whatever system updates are pushed, it automatically upgrades to the latest version.]

It too does have many of the popular packages. Here is how to install the popular Opera browser directly from terminal :

sudo pacman -S opera


installing opera in manjaro linux

This will install Opera with all it’s dependencies.

Once the installation is complete, it will be available from Internet menu.

opera browser installed in Manjaro

Opera browser is now ready to use in Manjaro Linux.

[ The same can be done using Add/Remove Software, searching for the package and then installing it but using the terminal is quicker. ]

Happy surfing.

General usage of pacman in Manjaro for adding/removing software from terminal :

For removing packages but keeping it’s installed dependencies  :

sudo pacman -R nameofpackage

For a complete removal along with it’s dependencies but without breaking other installed programs, use :

sudo pacman -Rs nameofpackage

All done.

By admin

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