February 7, 2025

PDF Unshare is a free PDF protection tool that can prevent PDF documents from unauthorized sharing, taking screenshots, and opening. It does this by allowing to set expiration dates for these documents, adding watermarks and also restricting them to open on only a single device.

Download and install it from here. After it is installed, there will be two programs – PDF Unshare and UPDF Reader.

UPDF Reader is installed when installing PDF Unshare

UPDF Reader is by which you can open these protected PDF files, as these files are generated as Unshared PDF (uPDF). This reader can be downloaded for mobile devices too.

Generating uPDF documents:

The interface for PDF Unshare is simple and requires to add a PDF file to begin using it.

PDF Unshare interface

Click on the add button to add a PDF document to be protected.

PDF Unshare protection features

After adding it, set an expiration date if needed. A text watermark can also be added if required. Also, to restrict the opening of this document to a single device, select the option Restrict the file to be opened by one device ONLY.

setting expiration date and restricting PDF file to single device using PDF Unshare

You’d also need to set a password to protect it.

setting a password for PDF files in PDF Unshare

Save the file to the required path.

saving the UPDF file generated using PDF Unshare

Then click on Create UPDF to generate the protected document. PDF Unshare will create the uPDF document.

UPDF file generated using PDF Unshare

Opening uPDF documents:

To open it on any other device than the one it was created on, UPDF Reader would be needed. So, opening it using a PDF reader will show a message about it being a uPDF file type.

UPDF files don't open using PDF reader

If the protected document is expired, it won’t open.

UPDF document with expired date won't open

With the UPDF Reader, valid uPDF document will be decrypted and opened.

UPDF documents can be opened in UPDF Reader

You can also change the interface language for both the PDF Unshare and UPDF Reader from the Language drop-down.

changing the interface language options for PDF Unshare and UPDF Reader

All done.

By admin

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