February 19, 2025

Since July 29 2015, Windows 10 upgrade is available to download and install. This upgrade is free for users having genuine copies of Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8.1. Here is how to reserve the free upgrade).

Windows 10 has made some major improvements when it comes to user interface and functionality.

Here is a brief first look at some of the new features in Windows 10 :

The Start Menu : The Windows logo as a start button is still there. 🙂 Windows 10 has combined the best of both the previous Windows versions (7 and 8.x). It has a menu that has tiles (Windows 8) and also the regular icons (Windows 7).

Windows 10 start menu

The taskbar : The taskbar has search integrated with it. Along with search is the virtual assistant Cortana. (Windows phone users would be very familiar with that).

Windows 10 taskbar

seatch from Windows 10 taskbar

cortana in Windows 10

Also, a task view icon is now visible. This makes it easier to see all the open programs by simply clicking it. Also, a new desktop layout can be added using the task view icon.

task view in Windows 10 task bar

Microsoft Edge : The new and crisp browser that comes along with Windows 10 is Microsoft Edge. Sections of web pages can be saved by adding notes to them and using highlighters.

saving web notes using Microsoft Edge browser

These web notes can be bookmarked or even be shared directly via email or OneNote.

saving and sharing notes using Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10

File Explorer : The Windows 10 File Explorer comes with Quick access link so that any drive, folder or file that is frequently accessed can be pinned to the Quick access section.

File explorer in Windows 10

Action center : The action center in Windows 10 system tray is now much more detailed.

notification center in Windows 10

Various features like setting up a VPN, turning quiet hours on/off (this feature is in Windows phone as well), taking notes (using OneNote) or using a tablet mode can be directly accessed from here. This is much better than the Charms route in Windows 8.

features that can be accessed using Windows 10 notification center

Overall, Windows 10 has made some major improvements in making the user interface much more direct and intuitive.

Stay tuned for more of Windows 10 related stuff. 🙂

By admin

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