February 13, 2025

Excel Merger is a standalone and free to use offline tool that can combine different Excel workbooks into one, merge rows/columns and selectively merge worksheets with just a few clicks. MS Excel or MS Office is not required to install and use it.

Download and install it from here.

The main interface is simple and self-explanatory. Click the + button to add the Excel files to be merged.

Excel Merger main interface

The default merge option is for files but you can change it to sheets, files and sheets, rows, and columns from the drop-down menu.

different merge options in Excel Merger

Also, the default output format is XLSX but it can be changed to other spreadsheet formats like ODS, CSV, XLS, and XML.

changing the output file type in Excel Merger

By default, the merged Excel files are generated in the Output folder but that too can be changed if needed.

Suppose, to merge worksheets from two different Excel files into a new file, add those files and keep the default choice of Files for merging. Then click on Start Merging Now to begin.

source excel file with a worksheet

another source excel file with worksheet to be merged

After the process is complete, the merged Excel file will be available in the Output folder.

merged excel file using Excel Merger

This file will have the worksheets from both the source Excel files.

merged excel file with worksheets from source excel files

Similarly, to merge rows from a single file, add that file and choose Rows from the Merge option. Then enter the start and end rows. The default limiter that will be added between the contents of the rows is a blank space but that can be changed if needed.

choosing rows to be merged using Excel Merger

After the merging is over, the generated Excel file will have merged row contents from the source file.

merged rows in an excel file using Excel Merger

You can select columns to be merged too by changing the option to Columns and specifying the start and end columns.

merged columns using Excel Merger

Also, the interface language can be changed to different languages like French, German, Dutch, and so on. To do that, click on the flag icon from the top right of the window and choose the interface language.

changing the interface language in Excel Merger

Excel Merger is free for personal and home use but you can also buy a license for commercial use by clicking on the home icon next to the interface icon.

All done.

Happy merging.

By admin

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